
Karel van den Bosch


In the project CARIM we developed a desktop-simulation training that is equipped with virtual players that can act independently and intelligently. The domain is on-board fire fighting, and.... [Read more >>]


Glengary Glen Ross

Serious games offer an opportunity for learning communication skills, provided that the dialogue between the human player and the virtual character is open, flexible, and rich. In this project the Belief-Desire-Intentions (BDI) was used to model the behavior of .. [Read more >>]


Virtual Pilot

Simulation-based training often requires ample personnel for playing various roles (e.g. team mates, adversaries). Using intelligent agents may diminish the need for staff. In this project, TNO investigates how to develop an intelligent agent that is capable of autonomously assuming the role of .. [Read more >>]


Critical Thinking

If we want novices to become expert decision makers, training tactical command needs to address two components: (a) expansion and refinement of tactical schemas, and (b) practice in .. [Read more >>]


e–Partners that Care

Health and care face tremendous challenges. Support for patients and people at risk is evermore important. Innovative technology is needed for tailor-made and personalized support. TNO is developing smart systems, called ePartners. An ePartner is a computer program that ....[Read more >>]
